Prince, Billy
Shamefull Indulgence In Scandoulous
Billy Prince is no stranger to hit records, having been the lead singer on chart hits (If This Is Love , Then Id Rather Be Lonely) with the Precisions from Detroit. With the group signed to the Redwald agency, naturally Billy toured with their in-house acts, such as Johnny Taylor, Mad Lads, Sam & Dave and Al Green. A world wide tour was set for which they would open for Otis Redding, but days after the agreement was set, Otiss plane went down into Lake Manona in Madison, Wisconsin. After their recording deal was up with Drew Records, they signed to Atlantic/ Atco Records, where they were produced by Swamp Dogg circa 69. After this release failed to achieve success, the group continued to tour halfheartedly and later disbanded. Billy relocated to San Diego, California, continued to sing and joined the ranks of the nine to fivers. The latter from which he retired in 2009. Through a quirk, Billy and Swamp hooked back up and its on again! Shameful Indulgence In Scandalous Love!